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9 Signs Your HVAC System Needs Repairs

Signs Your HVAC System Needs Repairs

It happens every year. The weather begins to heat up and it’s time to fire up the HVAC system once again. But once in a while, things don’t always go as planned. Before temperatures get too hot, you need to make sure your AC system is working properly. You certainly don’t want to wait until it’s too late to repair the air conditioner. So before you’re stuck in an intolerably hot indoor environment, let’s examine the 9 signs that AC maintenance may be required.

#1. HVAC System Is Not Working

This one is a little too right on the nose, but it needs to be mentioned as one way to know if your air conditioner is broken. It’s entirely possible that when you turn on your AC system, hot air is blowing out or your air conditioner simply doesn’t work. It’s safe to assume this is one of the signs your AC needs repair, or at the very least, you need some air conditioning servicing.

#2. There’s Too Much of Energy Expenses

Another clear way to tell if you may need some repairs is to look at your energy bill. If you see some major jumps in your energy costs and cannot attribute them to extreme weather events, it may be a sign that your AC needs maintenance or repair. When malfunctions in your HVAC system occur, it will likely show up as a noticeable jump in your energy costs. The last thing you want to do is write it off and hope things normalize next month. Call up your technician and have them come check out the potential issue.

#3. Unpleasant Smells

This one isn’t fun. When you or someone else begins to notice odd or musty odors that have somehow made their way into your building or residence, it’s possible it has something to do with your AC system. Here’s how they could be related: if there are any air quality problems caused by building envelope issues, it’s possible this can lead to moisture and humidity that results in mold and mildew developing inside the air ducts and cooling coils. Foul odors also may be the result of air filters desperately in need of a replacement.

#4. Issues with Temperature Control

Signs HVAC Needs Repairs

If you’re noticing issues with temperature control, especially if different rooms are inconsistent temperatures, there may be an issue with the thermostat or a stuck damper. If you have a commercial HVAC system, short-cycling, which is when the system starts a cycle and then shuts down before enough time has passed, can also be a source of temperature control issues. Temperature control issues can also arise from filter issues, refrigerant leaks, dirty evaporator coils, or even improperly installed equipment. One of the best ways to reduce the risk of a malfunction like this can be redacted by installing an air filter such as the one here.

#5. HVAC Makes Strange Noises

This issue may be one of the most common sources of complaints. Weird noises coming from the AC unit, such as rattling or clanking, can not only be annoying, they can conjure nightmares of having to get your entire HVAC system replaced. You may be thinking to yourself, “is my AC broken?” But there’s not always such cause for anxiety, as these types of noises don’t always result in the need for a total overhaul. Sometimes just one small part needs to be replaced, which can fix the entire noise issue. So if you’re dreading picking up the phone when you start to hear these types of noises, don’t put it off. Dealing with ac maintenance sooner rather than later is a highly advisable idea.

#6. There’s Icing Visible

If you happen to see anything frozen around your unit, there’s likely an issue with a blockage in the buildup line, which may cause the buildup to freeze on the units’ coils or cause spillage. Another possibility is that you have a refrigerant (freon) leak. If this is the case, it's one of the signs your air conditioner needs repairs. Pick up the phone immediately, because the more time that passes with an issue like this in your AC system, the more costly the repairs will be. 

#7. Airflow Issues

One of the other signs your AC needs repairs is that you may be noticing that the air conditioning isn’t blowing as well as you’d expect. Airflow issues are another one of the most common issues with HVAC systems, and there may be a variety of causes for this issue. For example, blockages can lead to airflow issues. A broken motor may also be to blame. These are issues that require examination and air conditioning servicing immediately. If this is something that happens often, you may want to look into an energy-recovery ventilator, which can give your AC unit a boost by replacing stale air with fresh air every time your unit cycles through. And it’s also possible that a thermostat malfunction is a reason behind poor airflow. If that’s the case, you should look into upgrading your thermostat. It may be a good time to check out some smart thermostats that can increase the convenience of operating your AC unit and save you some money in the long run.

#8. Visible Water Leaks

When Repair HVAC

In addition to frost or ice being visible, it’s also possible you may encounter a leak or puddling around your AC unit. If something like this is happening, there may be a variety of causes which will take a professional to diagnose. It could be a problem with your condenser, with your drain tube or with other buildup, or possibly something more serious like a refrigerant leak.

#9. Too Much Dust in The Area

If you notice that there seems to be dust just about everywhere, no matter how often you dust, it could be a problem with your AC unit. If your HVAC gets dirty, it could end up spewing dirty air particles all over the place. Fortunately, this is something that’s pretty easy to fix with a cleaning and a filter replacement. It’s important to note here that regular cleaning of your HVAC system is important, as it can help to prevent an expensive issue in the future.

Your HVAC System Needs an Upgrade

Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, and this applies to HVAC systems as well. Everything gets older and less effective over time, so it’s entirely possible that the life of your AC unit has run its course. After about 15-20 years, it’s likely time to replace your AC system and get an upgrade.

If your system is on the older side and you’ve taken great care of it with regular maintenance and best practices, you may be able to squeeze a few more years out of it. So if you want to save some major coin in the long run, be sure to perform regular maintenance on all components of your system. Depending on the AC unit you have, some contain manufacturer warranties that make the path to replacement a lot easier on the wallet.

But no matter what you do, eventually your AC equipment is going to become obsolete. If you do find yourself in that situation and you’re looking for HVAC supplies for sale, contact us at Blackhawk Supply for some of the best selection and pricing anywhere.

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